12 thoughts on “Our Produce

  1. When are your black and red raspberries ready

    1. Red raspberries usually start around the beginning of July, but things have been late this year, so it could be delayed a bit. Black raspberries are usually a week or 2 after the red ones start.

      1. Do you have them yet

  2. When are black currants ready?

  3. Could I get 2 red and 2 black raspberries put aside and would I be able to pick them up between 9 and,10 am

  4. Hi, Can you tell what kind of apples you have and the price(s)? Thanks.
    Trying to determine whether to make the trip or not as we live out of town.

    1. We only have a small orchard. The varieties of apples we have for sale are Jonamac, Macspur, McIntosh, Spartan, and Empire. They are $5 per 3L basket.
      We also sell windfalls, which are a random assortment of bruised/marked apples picked up from the ground, for $10 per box (about 30 pounds).

  5. Do you offer CSA boxes?

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