Thank you for your support over the 2024 season! Our market is now closed until spring when we will re-open with rhubarb and asparagus.
We do offer local raw honey year-round if you order ahead and arrange a pickup time.
See you in 2025!
Sales Hours
Monday - Sunday | Closed |
Monday - Sunday | Closed |
*Hours are weather and supply dependent. May close early if sold/picked out.
17 hours ago by Millar Berry Farms
UPDATE: Eggs have been spoken for Got 2 extra dozen organic eggs....$8 doz -
4 days ago by Millar Berry Farms
Good things grow in Ontario! -
3 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Received another shipment of honey today. $13.00 for a 1kg jar....the bees have asked for a raise 😁 -
5 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms Hope you all find your love this new year! -
6 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Merry Christmas, from our family to yours! -
6 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Today we reflect on Helen Millar, who passed away a year ago. She always loved Christmas, and decided to spend it with Jesus last year. There are many who have lost someone close to them, making the holidays so very hard. So embrace the people around you, shower them with love and affection while you still can. We wish you all His peace this Christmas season.6 weeks ago Karl Martinek
She sure was a lovely woman with a very big heart. You, Bill are a spitting image of her character-wise. Merry Christmas to all of you too. -
7 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
It’s heartbreaking to learn of the sudden loss of a young life in our small community.
Our hearts go out to the Caranci family, who are facing unimaginable pain after their child was tragically taken far too soon.
While no words can ease their grief, we hope they find some comfort in the support of neighbors and friends.Donate to Donate to support the Caranci family after unexpected loss, organized by Amanda mcdermott
My name is Mandi, and I am a good friend of Jacqueline and St… Amanda mcdermott needs your support for Donate to support the Caranci family after unexpected loss6 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms 2
For anyone looking for ways to help out: weeks ago Millar Berry Farms 1
Obituary and funeral information: weeks ago Martha Feenstra 3
So very sad .. My heart breaks for such a tragedy of a young life . Thank you Sylvia and Bill for letting us know . What can we do for them?7 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms 2
Martha Feenstra I believe they are taking donations to help with funeral costs. Click on the link .7 weeks ago Nicole Whitney 6
Martha Feenstra I’m donating blood for the first time on Friday. I feel like that is a good thing to do too. Such a sad situation.7 weeks ago Marion Rowe 3
My heart is breaking for this young family. Prayers for them and all involved.7 weeks ago Virginia Brown 2
This is so so sad.😢Unimaginably loosing a child. My thoughts and prayers go out to this family, extended family and friends.🙏🙏💙💙7 weeks ago Felicia Gabriela Puscalau 2
How very sad and tragic. My heart aches for this family and their i unimaginable loss.7 weeks ago Sue Kean Varga 4
Being a former school bus driver, this is our worst nightmare
So heartbreaking7 weeks ago Marissa Lynn 2
This is so utterly heartbreaking. That poor family7 weeks ago Madonna Barnes 1
Marissa Lynn yes, so heartbreaking. My heart breaks for them all. Been thinking about them since I saw the post. 💔😢7 weeks ago Cauline Watters
A very sad time....our condolences to family and friends....a huge loss to our community.... -
8 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
It's a rainy day, so I'm keeping farmer Bill busy with cutting up one of our giant squash. There will be squash soup this week, mashed squash and air fryer squash etc 😆 -
8 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
It's a late start this year, but the berries were not dormant until now. -
8 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
The guys are heading out to bed down the berry plants.8 weeks ago Jennifer Demurak Coates 2
I appreciate all the work that goes into excellent strawberries. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you all.8 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms
Jennifer Demurak Coates thank you and a merry Christmas to you as well.8 weeks ago Dennis Webster
Do they need snowshoes?8 weeks ago Sylvia Millar 1
Dennis Webster the guys stay on the wagon and feed the bales through the shredder. -
8 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
5pm roads are a bit snow covered now and heavier snowfall. I think it's finally hitting our end of the city! Drive carefully. -
9 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
4:15 update. Getting a few more flurries here now, but the Salters are doing a great job keeping this road clear!! -
9 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Traffic moving well now, roads are bare -
9 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Well, we've got blowing snow, and traffic down to a crawl. 402 is closed.9 weeks ago Eric Cornelis
I'm at the airport working right now and visibility is down to 100ft, sometimes.8 weeks ago Karen Alger
Eric Cornelis it was a fun drive home. I had to take a stab at where the road was at the corner of my street because the road was snow covered and visibility was poor.9 weeks ago Millares Romeo 1
Drive safe on the road slippery and windy becareful watzt out other guy Car 🚗 🤔9 weeks ago Sue Kean Varga
Waiting on trucks to come to London since 402 is closed so that would explain it’s gonna be a slow day9 weeks ago Rick G Morphew
Wonder where these truckers are going if 402 closed9 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms
Rick G Morphew they've got supplies to deliver, so any route they can!9 weeks ago TaMara EdWaards 1
401 403 and 402, from Burlington all the way down to London, highways closed in both directions -
9 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Left the farm to go into the city. Wowzers!!😱9 weeks ago Patrick Haveman 2
LOL, Right? I'm in London(SW wonderland area) and we have maybe 2 inches. NE and other side of Pond Mills and Highbury gets 2 to 4 feet.9 weeks ago Betty Posthumus 1
Oh I's a whole different world out there. You have to see it to believe it.9 weeks ago Mick Dawdy 1
The snow belt from Lake Huron hits the NE corner of the city first. From the city, 401E can be impossible. 401W can be clear 🙂 -
9 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Bees are now hibernating in our bush for the winter, and we just got in a fresh supply of raw, unpasteurized honey from R&R. Price is $13 for 1kg jar or squeeze, or $7 for half kg squeeze.
Message us if you'd like some -
11 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
I've been making a lot of squash soup lately. I've made it with apples/apple cider or savoury with onions, garlic and potatoes. I've used coconut milk, I've used sour cream. Anybody have a different concoction I could try?11 weeks ago Kate Zavitz 1
Coconut milk, fish sauce, and some red or yellow curry paste to make it Thai11 weeks ago Jenn Whittaker 1
we roast ours with carrot, onion, and garlic with a touch of olive oil and whatever spices we feel like ... blend it all up with some cream (we use whipping) and top it with the seeds that you roast at the same time ... it's a bit thicker of a soup, but so so good. We even feed it to the baby, and she LOVES it11 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms
Jenn Whittaker that's how I do my savoury, but never thought of topping with the roasted seeds. Brilliant idea!11 weeks ago Jenn Whittaker 1
Millar Berry Farms we really like using as much of our produce as we can, especially the garden fresh because it's such a treat. You could also try dried cranberries or crutons with it.10 weeks ago Alpine Nurseries 2
Squash and sweet potatoes together..paprika and mustard8 weeks ago Ellie Buzz
Alpine Nurseries this is what I love. I rost squash, sweet potatoes with garlic 😋 and then blend it with any milk you like. If noone is allergic to nuts, some roasted nuts and fresh greens like parsley and coriander to garlish -
11 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Still amazing weather in November, but I think it's all downhill from here. Hope you all got to enjoy some of this weather in the great outdoors!11 weeks ago Laure Wilson Neish
But it’s all downhill for the skiers hopefully 😉 Some kids in our family looking forward to trying out there snowboards on Boler Mountain11 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms 1
Laure Wilson Neish I'm sure the snow is on it's way!! It's good insulation for the berry plants, so we like to see snow too.11 weeks ago Millares Romeo 1
Looking great guy's enjoy the lovely weather I don't believe still like spring fantastic weather 🫡11 weeks ago Claire Simone 1
Ehhh, it's alrite.....
I miss you though. I'm coming to see y'all in Dec.11 weeks ago Nicole Whitney 1
Saw bees today11 weeks ago Nicole Whitney 1
Millar Berry Farms one was on a dandelion and the others were buzzing around flowers 😊 -
12 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Imagine my surprise! November 12 and still a few raspberries to be found.12 weeks ago Mick Dawdy
I am still enjoying the raspberries and strawberries that I bought on the last day. I froze them on cookie sheets then put them into Tupperware-like containers. Have them every morning on my Muesli and every evening with my medley of veggies.
Thank you for this stuff, eh!!11 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms 1
Mick Dawdy no wonder you're in such great shape for an 80 year old -
14 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
We are closing up for the winter. We pray this winter keeps us all healthy, and God willing, we will be back at it in May with our rhubarb and asparagus, and delicious rhubarb pies! Thanks to all our loyal customers, until we meet well, stay well.14 weeks ago Madonna Barnes 1
Have a great winter. Stay safe and healthy.14 weeks ago Madonna Barnes 1
Millar Berry Farms we are going to be enjoying those beautiful squash from your farm and the frozen berries that we have.14 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms 1
Madonna Barnes I see a lot of squash soup in my future, as well as frozen fruit smoothies lol14 weeks ago Lynda Lewis
Have a good winter
And thank you for all the wonderful produce you provide all summer
God bless your family14 weeks ago Betty Joynt Rutledge
Have a good winter. Hopefully you get to have a vacation. See you next spring14 weeks ago Robert Kress
I knew Peter before he started the farm when he worked at the Free Press. We used to play cards at the end of our shift.14 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms
Robert Kress, sometimes on a Friday night I would go into work with my dad and then borrow the car and go roller skating @ the London Arena, then pop into the composing room for a quick visit before sleeping in the car until he finished his shift.14 weeks ago Carolyn Hepburn 1
Have a great winter, stay healthy, and enjoy a little r and r when you can. I'm looking forward to all the yummy produce in the spring14 weeks ago Pam Ireland
Have a good winter. See you in the Spring. Millar strawberries are the best!!14 weeks ago Sue LeBlanc
Thank you. Happy winter and well earned break. Look forward to strawberries next year ❤️🍓14 weeks ago Sheila M Stevenson
Thanks for a wonderful season of delicious goodies. Have a healthy, happy and restful winter season. -
14 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Last day for our berry hut for the season! We have a few strawberries left, a few apples (Ambrosia and Northern Spy), and some squash and veggies. We have a limited supply, so may sell out early.14 weeks ago Arnate Swigger
I need honey, lol, Can I pick up tomorrow?14 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms
Arnate Swigger, yes, what time were you thinking? How much did you want?14 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms
Arnate Swigger, $12 for 1kg, either glass or squeezy. Come to the house, ring front doorbell.14 weeks ago Bonnie Orton 3
Thanks for another good season . The Parks strawberries I bought yesterday are delicious . -
14 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Down to the last two days....we brought in more luscious strawberries from Parks, Fuji apples are gone but still have a few ambrosia and northern spy, squash , carrots, green peppers and turnips. -
15 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Got in some Fuji apples, and more ambrosia and northern spy. When they are gone, they are gone! -
15 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Feels like summer with these berries again.
And we have fall produce as well...sweet potatoes and squash and pumpkins. Beans are now done for the year.
Looks yummy
Donna Harris very yummy