Thank you for your support over the 2024 season! Our market is now closed until spring when we will re-open with rhubarb and asparagus.
We do offer local raw honey year-round if you order ahead and arrange a pickup time.
See you in 2025!
Sales Hours
Monday - Sunday | Closed |
Monday - Sunday | Closed |
*Hours are weather and supply dependent. May close early if sold/picked out.
2 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Still living off our stored squash, Spanish onions, sweet potatoes and sweet corn. -
2 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
My boys are busy pruning the raspberries. Great weather for it!2 weeks ago Jackie Mallett 1
You know my FAVOURITE!! Thanks for working those branches! See you soon! -
3 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Eggs and honey for sale from our house.3 weeks ago Marianne Peckham
How much are the eggs?2 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms 1
Marianne Peckham $7/dozen $20/3 doz.
Fed organic ranging when possible2 weeks ago Lori Cifaldi 1
Just come to house and knock?2 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms
Lori Cifaldi yes. Or call first to make sure we are home 519-652-2065 -
3 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Taking advantage of a nice sunny day -
3 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Careful on the roads...white out conditions in the countryside! -
3 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
French toast with Millar strawberries and Parks Blueberries from the freezer, and maple syrup from Aldred Maple Products.
Time to use up what's in the freezer and make room for this year's harvest!3 weeks ago Jane Falconer 1
A beauty breakfast on a miserable day?3 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms
Jane Falconer yes, had to cheer us up somehow 😉. Quite miserable out there.🥶3 weeks ago Judy Aldred 2
Boiling starts today at Aldred Maple Products 🍁3 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms
Judy Aldred that's exciting!! We love maple syrup!! So good in my coffee too ☕ -
4 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
If you need fresh organic eggs, we usually have some! -
5 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Not leaving the house, so I pulled out some local cauliflower which I had frozen, grabbed a few local sweet potatoes I still have in storage and some chicken legs and a few wings for Sunday dinner. Sometimes it's worth the effort to freeze some local veggies!5 weeks ago Jane Falconer
Holiday there on Monday?5 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms 1
Jane Falconer yes, between the bad weather today, and stores closed on Monday we have to resort to what's in the freezer. -
5 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Getting nasty out there. Drive safely! -
5 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
It's National Flag Day! -
6 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Eggs are a better gift than chocolate for your man! Our ladies have laid a few extra in time for Valentine's Day 💘 -
6 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Show some one love today 💖 -
6 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Had some Spanish onions left over! Good day for French onion soup!6 weeks ago Betty Joynt Rutledge 1
Can’t wait for your farm fresh vegetables6 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms
Betty Joynt Rutledge I can't wait for fresh asparagus and rhubarb pies!! 😋6 weeks ago Kathryn Wiepjes
Do you have a recipe you can share?6 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms 1
Kathryn Wiepjes I just cook on the fly.
I caramelized my onions. I cooked up a couple of beef bones yesterday for the stock and added a splash of cider vinegar to it and seasonings. Then just put the onions into the stock and heat it up. Ladel some into the oven proof bowls, add a good piece of crusty bread and cover with a nice old tangy cheddar cheese. And that's how I do it!6 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms
Kathryn Wiepjes you can also use beef broth from a carton and add caramelized onions to it.6 weeks ago Kathryn Wiepjes 2
Millar Berry Farms I have a carton of beef broth with red wine in it that I was thinking of using. -
7 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
UPDATE: Eggs have been spoken for Got 2 extra dozen organic eggs....$8 doz -
7 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Good things grow in Ontario! -
10 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Received another shipment of honey today. $13.00 for a 1kg jar....the bees have asked for a raise 😁 -
12 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms Hope you all find your love this new year! -
13 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Merry Christmas, from our family to yours! -
13 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
Today we reflect on Helen Millar, who passed away a year ago. She always loved Christmas, and decided to spend it with Jesus last year. There are many who have lost someone close to them, making the holidays so very hard. So embrace the people around you, shower them with love and affection while you still can. We wish you all His peace this Christmas season.13 weeks ago Karl Martinek
She sure was a lovely woman with a very big heart. You, Bill are a spitting image of her character-wise. Merry Christmas to all of you too. -
14 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
It’s heartbreaking to learn of the sudden loss of a young life in our small community.
Our hearts go out to the Caranci family, who are facing unimaginable pain after their child was tragically taken far too soon.
While no words can ease their grief, we hope they find some comfort in the support of neighbors and friends.Donate to Donate to support the Caranci family after unexpected loss, organized by Amanda mcdermott
My name is Mandi, and I am a good friend of Jacqueline and St… Amanda mcdermott needs your support for Donate to support the Caranci family after unexpected loss14 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms 2
For anyone looking for ways to help out: weeks ago Millar Berry Farms 1
Obituary and funeral information: weeks ago Martha Feenstra 3
So very sad .. My heart breaks for such a tragedy of a young life . Thank you Sylvia and Bill for letting us know . What can we do for them?14 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms 2
Martha Feenstra I believe they are taking donations to help with funeral costs. Click on the link .14 weeks ago Nicole Whitney 6
Martha Feenstra I’m donating blood for the first time on Friday. I feel like that is a good thing to do too. Such a sad situation.14 weeks ago Marion Rowe 3
My heart is breaking for this young family. Prayers for them and all involved.14 weeks ago Virginia Brown 2
This is so so sad.😢Unimaginably loosing a child. My thoughts and prayers go out to this family, extended family and friends.🙏🙏💙💙14 weeks ago Felicia Gabriela Puscalau 2
How very sad and tragic. My heart aches for this family and their i unimaginable loss.14 weeks ago Sue Kean Varga 4
Being a former school bus driver, this is our worst nightmare
So heartbreaking14 weeks ago Marissa Lynn 2
This is so utterly heartbreaking. That poor family14 weeks ago Madonna Barnes 1
Marissa Lynn yes, so heartbreaking. My heart breaks for them all. Been thinking about them since I saw the post. 💔😢14 weeks ago Cauline Watters
A very sad time....our condolences to family and friends....a huge loss to our community.... -
15 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
It's a rainy day, so I'm keeping farmer Bill busy with cutting up one of our giant squash. There will be squash soup this week, mashed squash and air fryer squash etc 😆 -
16 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
It's a late start this year, but the berries were not dormant until now. -
16 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
The guys are heading out to bed down the berry plants.16 weeks ago Jennifer Demurak Coates 2
I appreciate all the work that goes into excellent strawberries. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you all.16 weeks ago Millar Berry Farms
Jennifer Demurak Coates thank you and a merry Christmas to you as well.16 weeks ago Dennis Webster
Do they need snowshoes?16 weeks ago Sylvia Millar 1
Dennis Webster the guys stay on the wagon and feed the bales through the shredder. -
16 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
5pm roads are a bit snow covered now and heavier snowfall. I think it's finally hitting our end of the city! Drive carefully. -
16 weeks ago by Millar Berry Farms
4:15 update. Getting a few more flurries here now, but the Salters are doing a great job keeping this road clear!!
I wish we had space to grow stuff here I honestly was considering starting to offer my labor and handyman skills to places not for pay but for eggs and veg I miss the days of my parents having the farm wish they where here
Tanner Corrigan anytime! 🤝
Millar Berry Farms That would be awesome I also have two kiddos who love to work my youngest has decided she will own a horse farm 🤣 she is a ham oh and that case of Apples my wife got in the fall I believe it was we just took the last jar of apple pie filling she made up last night so definitely was well used lasted all winter the kids put it in oatmeal 🙂